geneva switzerlandDESTINATION: Geneva, Switzerland

Paper instructions:

Select a second tier rural international destination anywhere in the world for your term project. Identify the stakeholders who you would recruit to be on the Visitors’ Bureau. Develop a budget and marketing plan for this visitor’s bureau. 2.       Project Standards: Project must be presented as an outline. Project must include a strategy for marketing destination and a cost analysis to demonstrate the necessary steps to fund this effort. Information is available on the www for existing budgets for destination management and promotion. 3. Project Overview: The project does not need to embody original promotions but may use promotions utilized in similar markets. Follow up requires demographic studies to determine the target markets visiting your destination (not the demographics of the destination). The project must identify the required infrastructure required by similar destinations to support tourism and its growth. 4. Project Breakdown: Section 1: Identify your tourism destination. Describe the area geographically and identify visitor attractions and activities. Identify the stakeholders (hotels, attractions, airlines, transportation cos. And convention facilities and characterize their size by # rooms, number of visitors, airline seats arriving weekly, number of buses etc. Section 2: Identify and segment the inbound tourism markets based on your available activities, attractions, inbound transportation options and lodging opportunities. Section3: Describe the infrastructure of the destination to include airports, roads, harbors, train service and auxiliary services such as hospitals, training etc. Discuss size and current state of infrastructure as well as any current plans on expansion or improvement. Identify the travel intermediaries currently involved and those that might become involved to promote inbound tourism to their destination. Section 4: Survey existing other visitor bureaus to gather budget information. Identify the sources of revenue and create the itemized expenses in running your visitor’s bureau. Section 5: Create a new event or expand an existing event at the same rural destination of choice. Be specific. Identify target audience for your event. Estimate number of attendees and revenue generated by the event. Section 6: Create a budget for the operation of the tourism board or convention and visitors bureau at your destination, utilizing the surveys of other destinations as a guide. Identify sources of revenue (i.e. 50% of room tax) and estimate itemized expenses in general categories (i.e. salaries, office rent, travel, web, mail, memberships, etc.) Section 7: Identify a set of statistics that might be used to evaluate the success of your destination plan and provide a rationale for your choice. DESTINATION: Geneva, Switzerland

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