Paper instructions:

I support reparations for slavery in the US.

THE ORIGINAL POST: React to the above pink-font statement. Before doing so, read Horowitz’s (2001) “Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks Is a Bad Idea for Blacks–and Racist, Too!,” Chrisman’s (2001) “Ten Reasons” and Robinson’s (2000) “America’s Debt to Blacks.

“As you develop your position, please react to (2) of our reading selections. As you do so, offer thick quote-driven, analytical paragraphs. Do not post any summary content. In your reaction-based paragraphs, offer substantive responses to golden or troubling lines. If you are quoting once or twice from each article, you are not doing these complicated readings any justice. Before you complete your Original Post, make sure that you also devote some time explaining how these readings have shaped/altered/challenged/amended your thinking on this issue (use my questions below as a guide). Additionally, make sure that you fully address the pink-font claim in light of the readings. Which reading do you most agree with? Why? Which reading do you least agree with? Why? Most of your Original Post should offer a reaction to the readings (with quotes).

You don’t have to go back many generations to find relatives of African-Americans who were slaves; since this phenomenon was “recent,” do not we owe African-Americans reparations? Would slave reparations unfairly punish the current generation of Americans, none of whom has ever owned a slave, for the sins of (some of) their predecessors (this issue has recently come up in Wilmington, too)? Is the current generation of African-Americans still living with the impact/legacy of slavery and, if so, are they not owed reparations? Your opinion must be fully informed by the readings…otherwise, what is the purpose of doing them? Again, approach this as you would an essay; this means that you are paragraphing, and not submitting an unorganized blob of text. 1200 words (minimum).

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